AIRG Membership Criteria

Membership criteria are set to ensure that professionals within AIRG membership are committed to the mission, vision and values of the AIRG, as well as a steadfast belief in retail, real estate, social responsibility, personal and professional development along with organizational growth, and collaboration with other like-minded institutions.

A professional seeking membership of AIRG should meet the following criteria:

  • Must be of sound mind and Indian National
  • Be active in the area of retail and real estate or a closely related field
  • Endorse the values and general principles of the AIRG, as reflected in its strategic plan
  • Represent an organization, institution or agency and be active social welfare of retail fraternity and AIRG’s priority areas; and
  • Be actively supporting the attainment of the AIRG Code of conduct.
  • Must be approved by the AIRG National Council
  • Must be professional or promoter working in any retail or real estate domain
  • Must be willing to volunteer, contribute and donate his/her skills to AIRG social welfare schemes
  • Agree to AIRG’s Code of Conduct (COC)
  • People willing to recruit new employees to contribute employment generation
  • The applicant must have a demonstrable clean track record in a retail field relevant to AIRG membership policy.
  • Actively initiate and participate in collaborative activities to achieve AIRG goals and objectives.
  • Contribute to AIRG social schemes. Contributions can include direct and indirect skills donations like technical expertise, legal expertise, financial support, event organizing, connection and reference and assistance with media and networking.
  • Promote the principles and values of the AIRG and Share knowledge and information on lessons learned, success stories, case studies, program results and policy approaches that help to accelerate action towards the retail and real estate.
  • Link AIRG website from their organization’s website.
  • Keep their profile contact information up-to-date by communicating changes to the AIRG secretariat.
  • Contribute to AIRG activities and newsletter by sharing new ideas, data, best practices and other important and relevant news related to the retail and real estate
  • Attend and contribute to the Global Forum about Indian Retail and Real Estate.
  • Participate in the implementation and monitoring of the AIRG Social programs towards overall development of underprivileged, needy and new pass outs.
  • Regularly update the AIRG on their social activities to support the mapping at global, regional and country levels.
  • Promote the work of the AIRG and Advocate for retail and real estate.

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  • AIRG is the main actor with material influence on decision-making processes at the ministry level to deliver on the core values of quality retail as enunciated in the various policies. AIRG offers services for members that help them to develop their personal and professional growth further.

    Make your voice heard:
    AIRG represents its members at regional, national and international levels, especially in  decision making processes and in co-operations with stakeholder organisations. Active participation in the ministry as a consultative member forms a major part of AIRG’s policy making role. AIRG publishes statements, reports and policy papers in order to feed policy debates and make the voice of quality assurance agencies heard.

    Stay informed:
    AIRG functions as a communication platform for sharing and disseminating information and expertise in knowledge flow among its members and towards stakeholders mainly through publications, its website and the social media and e-Newsletter named ReTale. The Newsletter provides an additional platform for AIRG Members and Affiliates to share news on their national context, projects, or other activities. It also gives an overview of the latest developments within AIRG (events, publications, senior level movements, new markets, new malls, new brands and store launches etc.) and its partners (e.g. Partners and Brands), and policy developments at the regional and national levels.

    Facilitation and collaboration:

    AIRG facilitates communication and cooperation between professionals and supports functionsfor collaborative activities and endeavors. We often engage in joint campaigning and advocacy initiatives with our members in order to maximise our impact nationally and internationally. The network is organised regionally to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders concerned about issues from similar contexts, while keeping them up-to-date on what is going on in other regions and internationally.  AIRG creates channels and advocacy tools for our members and build their capacity to better engage with, and influence, the policy making processes of national government and international agencies.

    Sharing knowledge, information and expertise:

    AIRG members have a wide range of experience and expertise in the analysis of problems and policies in retail at the national and international level.Our global network enables members to share experiences from a wide variety of countries across the spectrum of retail policy, and to strategise together to encourage retail reform in various contexts.

    Increasing visibility:

    In joining AIRG, national or regional level professionals become part of a prominent and credible national network with a nationally recognisedassociation. AIRG communications tools increase the visibility of our members nationally, regionally and internationally.

    • Our website, in which news, publications and events sent by our members are regularly published, is visited by an average of many people monthly.
    • We disseminate information about the work of our members through our daily news alertsand monthly newsletter which is sent in English to large section of the retail fraternity, subscribers and followers.
    • We increase the visibility of our members through social media tools such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google +, and through press outreach by disseminating our members’ press releases to various media contacts worldwide.

    Employment and Placement Benefit:

    AIRG’s Human Resource Committee is committed to social empowerment of the community and continuously working towards the placement of its members. AIRG has joined hands with the leading placement agencies of the country specialized in placement of retail and real estate professionals to place their members on priority.

    Access to business advisory support:

    Providing retail and real estate advisory support is among the activities mentioned in the AIRG Strategic Plan. In order to intensify and widen the reach and implementation of good quality retail professional and working environment, AIRG has planned advisory activities for developers where quality assurance procedures have not yet been/are being established. Advisory support is provided either on an individual basis upon request or through events.

    Participation in and hosting AIRG events:

    AIRG organises events on relevant, topical issues in the field of retail and real estate. AIRG events are hosted by its member and agencies. They are an essential forum for dialogue and networking between professionals and stakeholders, employees and employers, mediating agencies and other support functions.. They are usually organised in the framework of a project and result in a publication, which consist in a series of articles written by the presenters based on their presentation.

    Involvement in projects:

    Through its projects, AIRG brings together the expertise of its member agencies and other related stakeholders as project partners, in order to engage them in a fruitful and continuous dialogue on the current challenges and developments in retail and real estate sectors. AIRG projects aim to support the creation of informed policies, the exchange of good practices, the establishment and improvement of a common understanding on retail practices and policies in India, and thus furthering of a retail dimension in quality shopping mall delivery.

    Involvement in Working Groups and networking with retail experts:

    An interactive website www.airg.inand social media groups have been set up to respond to the needs and interests of AIRG members, and to address topical issues in retail. Members are welcome to take part in one or more groups.

    In addition to networking opportunities offered by AIRG events and working Groups, the AIRG membership is invited to submit and present papers at the Annual Retail Conference Forum, the main retail event in the field of retail.

    Free promotion of members’ events and activities:

    AIRG members may promote their brands and events through the social media page and through the AIRG website.

    Networking Meets:

    AIRG organizes members networking meet annually named DORI (Development of Retail in India) and invite all its members to participate in the networking meets to interact each other and transact business and increase the networking.

    Access to Research Reports:

    Members can freely access research reports and receive survey findings, trade info, legislation updates on regular basis.

    Business Expansion Support:

    AIRG’s permits its members to list their retail properties on the ReTalewebsite available for lease and brands members have free access to the inventory database and further to take the properties on lease. Similarly brands can list their requirements on the website.

    Franchise and Investor Support:

    AIRG’s houses franchises, investors and master franchises in the groups for cross exchange of ideas and investment which helps brands to expand easily through franchise and investors.

    Medical Insurance Cover and Healthcare Support:

    AIL members covered under personal accident cover, key-man and kidnapping insurance with medical vault and complementary physical activities monitoring system, risk assessment analysis and heavy discounts on health check and diagnostic and several health and wellness benefits for AIRG members.

    Financial Support:

    AIRG has association with many banks, NBFC’s, VC’s, FII’s and individual financers and investors. Members can raise finance or funding based on their individual and brand’s profile and project reports.

    Knowledge Upgradation and Training:

    AIRG’s knowledge Management Committee working continuously in coordination with the institutions and social organization towards the knowledge sharing, sourcing, and training of the individuals and placement thereof. AIRG has association with leading agencies specialised in training to enable members to get trained and become employable.

    Be part of largest professional association:

    Be part of largest professional association network of the retail and real estate and join hands towards and individual and organizational growth.

    Attend Industry Events, Seminars:

    Attend industry Events, Seminars and Training programs of AIRG

    Receive complimentary copies of monthly newsletter:

    Subscribe and receive complimentary copies of monthly newsletter, weekly Podcast, news insights, Jobs relevant to Indian Retail and Real Estate sectors.

    Start up Support:

    Get a startup support from our expert and experience members

    Legal Support:

    Get a legal support from our legal matter expert

    Access to the Members’ Area of the website
    Members are given access to the Members’ Area of the AIRG website where they can find the General Assembly minutes and annexes (General Assembly documents area), register to events (Registration area), profile update, reading materials and be engaged in the discussion forum (Discussion area).

    Use of the AIRG trademark

    AIRG members are allowed to use the AIRG trademark, represented by the logo of ReTale, as described in the and

  • AIRG accepts applications for membership from retail and real estate professionals, agencies, and organizations working in the retail and real estate sectors that meet the membership criteria. The degree of compliance with the membership criteria is assessed through an external review by the AIRG National Council, which may be coordinated by AIRG.

    To become AIRG member, click on the below links to register online or alternatively, download application form and email us filled in form on

    Register Online:

    Register Offline: Download Membership Application Form

Application process:

      1. Visit and register yourself by filling out the registration form either online or offline by downloading the membership form.
      2. Provide all relevant documents, like photo ID proof and pictures. If you are seeking a job opportunity, then upload your resume.
      3. On completion of the application form, the applicant shall be led to the payment gateway. You are asked to make the payment.
      4. Applications shall be examined by the National Council Members, which meets every month and makes its decision in light of the available evidence gathered in the application form and after checking the credentials from the current organization, social media, and other references.
      5. Once the application is accepted, the annual membership fee is invoiced.
      6. The member profile details are uploaded to the member directory, and the members are given full access to our services and networking opportunities.
  • Lapse of membership

    Membership shall be renewed upon timely payment of annual subscription fee.  You must also pay any subscription arrears before being reinstated.

    Suspending your membership

    Members may be suspended from their membership as a disciplinary action on violation of code of conduct or on serious allegation of bribery.  During suspension, all membership privileges will be temporarily withdrawn but member must continue to pay your fees.

    Expelling your membership

    AIRG may choose to terminate your membership as an appropriate disciplinary action in case of proof found any after enquiry on allegation of bribery.  You must pay all arrears up to your termination date before being reinstated. We will also decide when we will allow you to be reinstated.

    Deceased members

    We will close down your membership immediately once we’ve verified that death has occurred. 

    Inquiries regarding the AIRG membership application procedure can be addressed to AIRG secretariat:

    To become AIRG Members click on the below links to register online or alternatively download application form and email us filled in form on


Membership Plans

General Member

₹0 / Annum


Associate Member

₹1000 / Annum


Core Member

₹5000 / Annum


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